Casida of the Lament

I have shut my balcony
because I do not want to hear the weeping,
but from behind the grey walls
nothing else is heard but the weeping.

There are very few angels that sing,
there are very few dogs that bark,
a thousand violins fit into the palm of my hand.

But the weeping is an immense dog,
the weeping is an immense angel,
the weeping is an immense violin,
the tears muzzle the wind,
nothing else is heard but the weeping

Federico García Lorca


Anonymous said…
What is the significance of this cono amano cono? Isz got 2 know fo tha schoolassignment, word?
Big up to that G that'll help me popo! J. Bless.
Anonymous said…
Yo what isz meaning isz the significance of the colour gray!

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